Jon Liebling – Political Director of United Patients Alliance
Monday, 23 February 2015
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Me, Cannabis and The Law
Hi. I'm Jon Liebling, and I am a Medical Cannabis Patient!
I have suffered with varying degrees of stress migraines, back pain, anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts for most of my adult life, which I have adequately and effectively self-managed through my choice to consume cannabis.
I have suffered with varying degrees of stress migraines, back pain, anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts for most of my adult life, which I have adequately and effectively self-managed through my choice to consume cannabis.
I discovered cannabis at university, learning 2 things:
1: I much preferred being stoned to being drunk and
2: For the first time in my life, I was able to concentrate and focus on whatever I wanted/needed to focus on, my thoughts were significantly calmer and all the pain in my neck and shoulders vanished - immediately. My social anxiety had also, simply, gone.
The only problems I have ever experienced with consuming cannabis have been related to its legal status:
Firstly as a student, caught in possession where the police took my 14 grams of "Soap-Bar" hash and proceeded to steal half, and then charge me with possession of the other half. I received a fine that I could not afford and a conditional discharge. You know, I wouldn't have minded so much if either they had charged me with the whole lot, or taken my stash and let me go, but to do half of each was simply wrong and frankly criminal.
Secondly when I was about 30 for growing 4 plants, outdoors, on a farm in the middle of nowhere. This time I was threatened with imprisonment but after making grovelling apologies and promising that I would seek help and never do it again, I received another (bigger) fine that I could afford even less and another conditional discharge. This is something that must be considered when listening to the number of "Cannabis users seeking help with their addiction", how many of those were just saying they had a problem to avoid imprisonment? I have to say that this was ultimately an act of perjury in court - of course I wouldn't stop; It is medicine for me and I didn't need any help, I just needed the law to leave me be. My own sense of justice has suffered for those lies for many years. It has always felt like I betrayed my own beliefs, sensibilities and this wonderful, beautiful, medicinal plant.

More recently a number of significant personal life events had a devastating impact on me and my anxiety and depression reached unmanageable levels. I knew I needed help and sought it from my local GP. I was honest with him about consuming cannabis and explained what it had been doing for me most of my life. He did not want to listen and chose to respond by telling me that he would not help until he was certain that I was not "using" cannabis. He also told me that he could not refer me to "Talking Therapies" for the same reason, which would have been exactly what I needed and what I was asking for right then.
In any case, I agreed and completely stopped "using" cannabis as directed by my doctor. My anxiety inevitably increased to the point where I stopped sleeping properly and didn't want to leave my home for anything and my doctor prescribed an anti-depressant medication called Fluoxetine (Prozac) together with Valium (Diazepam) to help me sleep. All the diazepam ever did was knock me flat out and gave me a really bad hangover the next day. I stopped those almost immediately! As for the Prozac, at first whilst having little impact on my anxiety did make it impossible to think, move too much, work or play with my daughter and he told me that the dose may not be right, so he upped it. This made the anxiety much worse to the point where I was planning suicide. The "Happy Pills" had made me happy with my suicidal thoughts - Thanks Doc!

Now, when you buy cannabis "off the street", you have no idea what strain it really is, what strength it is , what THC/CBD balance it is with no guarantees on quality, no idea what chemicals have been used either to boost growth, or in harvesting to retain smell (sometimes sprays of 'god only knows what' are used to make the product heavier and pretty and sparkly). In addition one has to mix with some questionable people in questionable places which is not great for anxiety or safety, and, of course, the price is ridiculous. So I made a benefit/risk judgement call and decided that I'd prefer to grow my own so that I could guarantee high quality, know exactly what strains I was taking, and grow organically rather than to have to buy sub-standard "I don't know what" from "I don't know who" off the street.
I think it is important that you understand that I would not have made this decision if I could not keep it all (logistically) away from my family. I had a house I was in the process of doing up for rent and I knew that it was going to take about a year to complete - perfect! The only person exposed to any risk of any nature was me!
My Favourite Bud |
Just as the first 4 plants of my grow were beginning to mature, there was a knock on my door, and there were the police who "had received a tip off" and I was arrested. They were more interested in whether I had guns, weapons or was stealing electricity than asking why I was doing what I was doing. I tried to mention my health condition whilst being pinned to the floor and handcuffed, but of course this was totally ignored and my "anxiety" was cruelly mocked. They proceeded to treat me like a hardened criminal and turn a newly decorated house upside down in their search for evidence of my criminality. They have now spent over a year deciding what sort of a criminal I am, whilst withholding my passport, driving licence and my mobile telephone? As you can imagine, this has not done much for my mental well being nor, as previously, my motivation and faith or engagement with "the system".
I have broken the law. This I freely admit. However;
As far as I am concerned, it is and has always been an unjust law, and I no longer wish to apologise for doing something that improves both my mental and physical well being and does no harm to me or anyone else. I prioritise my health and well being as more important than an unjust law against growing and ingesting a natural and medicinal plant.
When left alone by the law, and in every other aspect I have been and am a productive, tax paying, law abiding citizen, father, son and brother who has never done anything to harm anyone, and don't accept why I, or the countless others who benefit, have to suffer more as a result of this uninvited restriction on liberty. From my perspective, the law itself is a crime. How can you outlaw a plant for goodness sake, especially one with so many far reaching benefits and so little risk. If one believes in a God, then presumably this law implies that God got this one (among others) wrong. It you don't then presumably the blame rests with this beautiful, perfect, little green planet's nature?
Prescription medicine has made me worse. The law has threatened me, hurt me and taken my medicine away. Cannabis has done nothing but help - Ever!
For the time being I await my final hearing in Liverpool Crown Court court on 4th December 2015 where I will be asked to answer to the charge of Production of a Controlled Drug (Class B), and whilst my solicitor tells me it is possible but unlikely that I will be sentenced to any actual jail time for my crime, this charge does come with a maximum sentence of 14 years! Not a very helpful or motivating thing to have hanging over your head.
UPDATE 5th Feb 2016 - I was given a 12 month sentence, suspended for 24 months. No fine. No Community Service. No Ankle bracelet. £100 Victim surcharge. Haven't found a victim yet - other than myself, of course!
I have always been an active and open advocate for legal access to cannabis for adults, and medicinal cannabis for all, but now I have joined a fantastic group of medical cannabis patients at the United Patients Alliance, who seek to advance legal access the cannabis therapeutics in the UK. Here's a little look at our first 6 months:
For the time being I await my final hearing in Liverpool Crown Court court on 4th December 2015 where I will be asked to answer to the charge of Production of a Controlled Drug (Class B), and whilst my solicitor tells me it is possible but unlikely that I will be sentenced to any actual jail time for my crime, this charge does come with a maximum sentence of 14 years! Not a very helpful or motivating thing to have hanging over your head.
UPDATE 5th Feb 2016 - I was given a 12 month sentence, suspended for 24 months. No fine. No Community Service. No Ankle bracelet. £100 Victim surcharge. Haven't found a victim yet - other than myself, of course!
I have always been an active and open advocate for legal access to cannabis for adults, and medicinal cannabis for all, but now I have joined a fantastic group of medical cannabis patients at the United Patients Alliance, who seek to advance legal access the cannabis therapeutics in the UK. Here's a little look at our first 6 months:
Isn't it time for change? Why don't you join us?
Jon Liebling - United Patients Alliance
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Introducing United Patients Alliance
I am Political Director of The United Patients Alliance.
We are a support and campaigning community for 1000s of medical cannabis
patients suffering from a range of conditions including; Cancer, Multiple
Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s, Anxiety, Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
ME, PTSD, AIDS, Epilepsy, Chronic Pain, the list goes on, all of whom have
found that various types and strengths of cannabis consumed in a variety of
ways has proven to be more effective medicine than their legal and prescribed alternatives
in improving their lives, reducing side effects and treating their symptoms.
These patients are forced to either live in unnecessary discomfort and pain or
risk dealing with criminals for their medicine and a criminal record for
growing it or consuming it.
We launched in June 2014 with the support of Caroline
Lucas MP and Professor David Nutt and have since gained the direct support of a
number of other politicians, including former drugs ministers, Norman Baker and
Lynne Featherstone and Julian Huppert. We run Patient Perspective and Cannabis
College events around the UK to give patients a forum for telling their stories
and to help inform the public of the proven medical benefits whilst dispelling
the myths and half-truths about its harms. We estimate that there are about 1m
active and current medical cannabis consumers who would immediately benefit
from a change in this dreadful situation. I would argue that in terms of
genuine information on medical cannabis, we are fast becoming the UK’s experts
on the subject.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
United Patients Alliance - January 2015 Tour
I’m Jon Liebling and I’m a medical cannabis patient! What
a fantastic month of campaigning for Legal Access to Cannabis
Therapeutics we had in January.
Special thanks for Dale Beaumont-Smith, independent film
maker for following us all over England filming for the upcoming Grassroots
Saturday 17th Jan 2015 19:30
Portsmouth The Lodge Arts
We ran our very first Cannabis College where we aim to
teach and discuss the latest science on medical cannabis and cascade some tips
for effective activism. The venue was a fabulous little Arty place in
Portsmouth free flowing tea, very welcoming hosts who support our cause
and a lovely little bar/garden out the back.
For the first hour Faye Elk, Alex Fraser and myself gave
talks and presentations starting with Cannabis and Cancer then covering
some of the top arguments used by supporters of prohibition and the status quo,
Cannabis makes you Stupid and lazy, Cannabis and Mental health, Cannabis the "Gateway" drug then Clark French ran a session on Speaking their
language: Discussing the best way to speak to the media, MPs and other
‘influential and important‘ people.
This first half was received very well by the 30 strong
audience, but it really was time for a medication break in the garden! Ah,
that’s better! Discussing prohibitionist arguments does get me all rather angry
and anxious – in fact bloody furious is closer to the mark, but of course it is
rarely a productive thing to vent your spleen though it does make one feel a little
better sometimes.
During the second half, I gave a brief summary of the
major differences in look/feel and actions of the Cannabis Types mainly Indica
and Sativa though having just done that, it would
appear that we may just have to change all of this according to a recent
article in Leaf magazine so according
to some senior biologists they should be: Indica (formerly Sativa), Afghanica
(formerly Indica )and Sativa (formerly Ruderalis) <- Only time will tell if
this new nomenclature takes with the cannabis culture and community as a whole.
To finish off, Faye and Alex organised an effective fun
debating game to help get everyone more comfortable with all the things discuss
throughout the event. Then of course it was back to the bar and garden for a
little more socialising. Met some lovely new friends, got great feedback so
that we can make this even better next time. Success!
Ok so then this month really got moving as we entered the
United Patients Alliance January UK tour taking us to 4 locations in 4 days;
Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Cambridge. Four of us, Clark French, Faye
Elk, Alex Vitagliano and myself together with all our kit stuffed into a
Vauxhall Meriva.
Thursday 22nd Jan 19:30
Birmingham: The Eden Bar
Faye and I were picked up in Reading by Clark and Alex
travelling from Brighton and but for a few wrong turns we would have been there
really early, but as it happened we arrived just in time to get set up.
This time a Marquee attached to a Gay bar in the centre
of Birmingham and perhaps it should not have been a surprise that the events
room was simply fabulous – Big thanks to our hosts who did a
great job and bigger thanks to Bee Troot for sorting out such a great venue for
FREE!! Wow!
I’d managed to get a brief slot on FreeRadio and Clark
was interviewed on BBC Radio WM too. Local printed press coverage was good and
so another room packed full. There were a few bonuses with this event in that
there seemed to be a high number of Media and PR students covering the event
and offering their assistance in furthering our cause. We want their support, they
want to run projects on us – Win (for them) Win (for us)Win (for you)!!
A couple of reporters from Birmigham Eastside
News Site covered our event live on Twitter, interviewed Clark
and myself and published this great report (with a little
questionable English):
We heard patient perspectives from Clark, Faye, Myself
and Bee who defeated her nervousness to tell her story – very well done!
Biologist Sarah Davis gave her presentation on “Is Cannabis Safe?” and then we
heard from Green Party candidate for Birmingham, Margaret Okole, who expressed
her support for Drug Policy Review and confirming her parties’ position. “This
law needs to be reviewed. Remember that homosexuality was also criminalised in
the past so we know we can win. We just have to have the courage to stand up” –
That’s what we are doing Margaret and thanks for coming along. I hope we can
get many more MPs to “Stand Up” too!
Back to Bee’s for a little getting to know you and social
session before collapsing on an available couch. I can’t thank Bee enough for
organising the venue, putting us all up in her house, overcoming her public
speaking fears and making the event a huge success – Love you Bee!
Friday 23rd Jan 19:30
Liverpool: Neurosupport
Guest Speaker: Jeff Ditchfield from Bud Buddies and Project Storm
Friday morning…..well Friday afternoon in all honesty,
time to get all packed up again and off we went to Liverpool. On this occasion
we had my house, you know, the one that I got my grow busted in! Certainly not
luxury with no carpets or furniture, but it has a roof, is warm has a shower
and facilities and a decent internet connection – all good for preparing for
What a great venue, again getting so much support for our
cause from our hosts. “This is the most exciting event we have ever had
here” said the Carolyn, the administrator. “We have a great
deal in common as we are both interested in the Neuro protective and reparative
qualities of cannabis”
Bursting at the seams this time with over 100 in
attendance. The Liverpool Cannabis Club had definitely done their bit promoting
the event here. We had people literally crowding around the doors outside to
get a looksee.
Jeff Ditchfield, who has done so much both for the
cause and for many long suffering patients by repeatedly risking his own
freedom to help those in need, gave a brief talk and opened the floor to
questions which were asked, answered and received very well.
After the event we were privileged to be invited to meet
more new found friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Live music too! Great night.
Liverpool you were and are amazing. Thanks for all the support and I am sure we
will be back very shortly for more.
Saturday 24th Jan 14:30
Manchester: Friends Meeting House
Guest speakers: Neil Woods (Former Undercover Drugs
Officer and LEAP Member) and Kieron Turner-Dave – Green Party
This would be our first “afternoon” delight! Yet another
great venue though in all fairness it would have been better if we could have
used the projector, but that would have DOUBLED the price of the hall for hire
so we just had to trust our words and impact without powerpoint!
Here we heard from many new supporters and patients
including Green Party candidate Kieron Turner-Dave and most excitingly and
movingly from David Hibbitt, who told his Medical Cannabis and Cancer story.
"Months after being given a diagnosis of inoperable, terminal
cancer and deciding to use cannabis oil, my tumours had shrunk so I could have
the operation to remove whats left, I then refused more chemo and stuck to the
oil. I was given the all clear recently". He is screaming it
(and all the evidence) from the rooftops – Follow David here:
We are REALLY proud to have you on board.
We also heard from Neil Woods from LEAP (Law
Enforcement Against Prohibition) who gave a
brave and emotional talk from his perspective credibly regretting and
apologising for his part in the unjust Drugs War highlighting some of the lives
that have been ruined and granting his support to our cause. Thanks Neil. Great
to meet you. Laura Crossley courageously gave her perspective on how cannabis
has helped her with Depression and Anxiety, just like it helps me too and there
were a plethora of others too - Sorry if I have missed you out, but I have to
be a little careful about publishing names without given permission.
Sunday 25th Jan 19:30
Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College
Guest Speakers: Tom Lloyd and Julian Huppert
Finally to Cambridge where we were speaking in a lecture
theatre at the same college that Dr Stephen Hawking attended. Wow we had such a
diverse range of venues eh?
On a personal note, I was so happy to have members of my
own family attending – now, obviously converts, and I think they now realise
that the need for access to Medical Cannabis is real and important.
Julian Huppert MP opened the show with an impassioned
talk about his and the LibDem view on cannabis and overall Drugs Policy. We
then had our Patient Perspectives, thank you all, followed by former Chief
Constable of Cambridgshire Tom Lloyd who continues to support us and the need
for an evidence based and sensible Drug Policy.
Another highly successful event where we made yet more
friends and supporters. Thank you Cambridge.
Thank you to all who attended, supported, shared, spoke
and helped, it feels like we have some real inertia now which we will be
exploiting over the coming months in the lead up to the General Election. The
change necessary to free up more research and allow doctors to prescribe this
effective medicine to patients that need it can be made right NOW with no
changes to the law. It is currently in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act
1971 which defines it as having “No Theraputic Value” – Lobby your MP to get
this change made today. Reduce suffering NOW!
Jon Liebling - Political Director - United Patients
Sunday, 15 February 2015
My Response to The Mail Online
Scientists show
that unless you smoke a great deal of the strongest strains of cannabis every
day from the age of 15 there is NO SIGNIFICANT INCREASE in risk of psychosis or
other mental disorders.
- Researchers highlight the dangers of synthetic cannabis such as “Spice” whereas natural cannabis has anti-psychotic properties
- A study found that only those who have a predisposition to mental illness, start at 15 or under, smoke strong strains, daily, heavily and for many years have any significant increase in risk of psychosis
- Regulated and quality controlled cannabis carries no significant increased risk and has been seen to help with mental illness
Published 18:00
15 February 2015
The study, leaked and completely misinterpreted by the Mail on
Sunday ahead of its publication to the Lancet, a journal for medically
qualified and intelligent readers, so they can attempt again to reignite the
Reefer Madness lies and misinformation campaign of the 1930s against cannabis.
The Mail on Sunday understood that certain strains of cannabis were
responsible for up to 25% of new cases of psychotic mental illness, but have
missed all the important information that, in fact, this is limited to a tiny
proportion of the general population who start smoking at age 15 or younger and
have a predisposition to mental illness often through a family history and/or
certain genetic markers or from certain birth traumas such as hypoxia or being born
In addition they would have to be smoking the drug as opposed to
other methods of ingestion and they would also have to be taking large quantities on
a daily basis over many years for the increase risk to be significant, making it
potentially one of the safest psychoactive substances known to man and
certainly safer than alcohol or nicotine which are both far easier to prove are
linked to increased risk of mental illness.
Both Professor Robin Murray and, The Mail on Sunday, have
completely misunderstood the meaning of the term “Skunk” which actually refers
to one of about 100 subsets of strains that contain high THC. Experts in this
field will tell you that it is actually the ratio between THC and CBD and not
the strength per say that has been seen to produce this tiny increase of risk
to a tiny proportion of the general population.
Whilst for the sake of clarity I will continue to use the incorrect
term “Skunk” you can find much more detailed and accurate information on what “Skunk”
is here.
According to Crime Survey figures for England and Wales, over a
million youngsters aged 16 to 24 smoke cannabis. But the vast majority of these consumers are not at risk. Experts warn, however, that whilst cannabis in its
natural form appears to have few if any negative consequences, synthetic forms
of cannabis which have been created recently to circumnavigate the ridiculous
law is far more potent and potentially damaging to mental and physical health.
Cases of severe psychosis related directly to these synthetic forms
of cannabis such as “Spice” have increased from 80 in 2009 to 12000 in 2012 and now have their own name within the Psychiatric community: Spice-o-phrenia
The researchers, led by a team at the Institute of Psychiatry at
King's College in London, conclude there is an 'urgent need to inform young
people about the risks of synthetic cannabis' and reading between the lines; 'until the world realises that drug
laws need to be reviewed against scientific evidence and cannabis in its
natural form is legalised'
The findings will add substance to a 2010 report by the Journal of
Schizophrenia Research, which found that schizophrenic patients with a history
of cannabis consumption demonstrate higher levels of cognitive performance compared to
non-consumers. Researchers in that study concluded, “The results of the present analysis
suggest that cannabis consumption in patients with schizophrenia is associated with
better performance on measures of processing speed and verbal skills. These
data are consistent with prior reports indicating that schizophrenia patients
with a history of cannabis consumption have less severe cognitive deficits than schizophrenia
patients without cannabis consumption.”
A 2011 meta-analysis published
online by the journal Schizophrenia
Research also affirmed that schizophrenics with a
history of cannabis consumption demonstrate “superior neurocognitive performance”
compared to non-consumers. Investigators at the University of Toronto, Institute of
Medical Sciences reviewed eight separate studies assessing the impact of
marijuana consumption on cognition, executive function, learning, and working
memory in schizophrenic subjects. Researchers determined that the results of
each of the performance measurements suggested “superior cognitive functioning
in cannabis-consuming patients as compared to non-consuming patients.” Little
wonder, perhaps, that the UK firm, GW Pharmaceuticals who produce 200 Tonnes of raw cannabis under government license and whose sole purpose is to exploit
the huge potential for medicinal benefits of cannabis and hold 40 patents for other indications have patented cannabis’ anti-psychotic
properties for the treatment of psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia.
GW Pharmaceuticals Cannabis Patents
GW Pharmaceuticals Cannabis Patents
This report was chaired by schizophrenia expert Professor Sir Robin
Murray, who also played a key part in the new study. It looked at cannabis use
in two groups, each containing about 400 people, from 2005 to 2011. Those in
the first group had all suffered 'first-episode psychosis'– a diagnosed first
occurrence of the disorder. Oddly there is no data available regarding the
recorded triggers for their psychosis, which would have been very useful in
determining whether cannabis could be implicated.
The second group were volunteers who agreed to answer questions
about themselves – including on cannabis use and mental health history – for a
study. Some said they had suffered psychosis, others said not. They were not
told the nature of the project and no evidence of the veracity of those data
were recorded.
The academics found those in the first group were more likely to
smoke cannabis daily – and to smoke “skunk” – than those in the second. The
researchers say: 'Skunk use alone was sought by 24 per cent of adults
presenting with first-episode psychosis to the psychiatric services in South London.'
It is highly likely, however, that this would be in an effort to ameliorate the
onset of their symptoms.
The latest research, to be published in The Lancet, concludes: 'Only
those 15yrs old or under who used excessive amounts of the strongest forms of cannabis
every day for a number of years and had a predisposition for mental illness were
more likely to have a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder.'
But the research appears also showed that natural forms of
cannabis with a narrower THC/CBD ratio had no significant increased risk even in
such patients.
It can be concluded that other factors such as living in a city,
being a migrant, having genetic markers, a family history of mental illness and/or
traumas experienced at birth such as hypoxia and premature birth constitute a
far more significant increase in risk.
Research has found, for instance, that compared to those born at
term, babies born before 32 weeks of gestation were 7.4 times more likely to
have bipolar disorder, 2.9 times more likely to suffer from depression and 2.5
times more likely to experience psychosis.
Professor Sir Robin Murray was keen to point out, however, that
even this research must be treated with caution as the factor of tobacco
smoking with cannabis for which we already have far clearer link to increased risk
of psychosis was not taken into account.
Tobacco use before, at, and after first-episode psychosis: a systematic meta-analysis.
Tobacco use before, at, and after first-episode psychosis: a systematic meta-analysis.
He added that it is not really similar, for instance, to the
increased risk of lung cancer from smoking tobacco which stands at a factor of
10 to 15 times, whereas cannabis even limited to the tiny proportion of people
who might be exposed to this increased risk, the impact was only 2 or 3 times
more likely. “Some people are just unlucky with their genes which makes them
more vulnerable across the board to developing psychosis. It looks as if,
starting before 15 increases the risk which
might be because the brain is still developing and all sort of changes are
happening in your dopamine and cannabinoid receptors, but people who started at
18 had a minimal (insignificant) increase in risk”
“It is important to understand that this is also dose related like
alcohol. Most people drink sensibly and never have any issues, which is the
same with cannabis. It’s the people who
drink something like a bottle of whisky a day or it’s the people who smoke 5 or
6 joints of high potency cannabis every
day that get into trouble. The increase in strength of cannabis which people
talk about is merely like the difference between lager and whisky. It is basically the same stuff but more
concentrated. However it is a little more
complicated because cannabis contains not just THC but there is also another
substance, CBD which seems to have an ameliorating function.”
Most of the cannabis available before prohibition which forced the cultivation
and distribution into the hands of criminals with a single profit motive, had the
same amount of THC and CBD but modern “Skunk” has 16-20% and almost no CBD as
this produces more of the “high” that recreational consumers are looking for,
however CBD seems to counteract the psychotic effect of THC. As such a market
where the strain, quality, strength and THC/CBD ratio of the substance can be regulated
and assured would significantly reduce if not eliminate the harms and risks.
Michael Ellis, a Tory member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, got
all of this completely upside down, ignored all the actual science and ignorantly
stated: 'This powerful new study illustrates that those in government and the
police must be careful to send out the right message. Cannabis isn't a harmless
drug: it can ruin lives.' We have asked where the Tory minister got the idea
that anyone has ever said cannabis was a harmless drug but was no longer
available for comment.
Professor David Nutt said that it really is time that we leave
decisions on relative harms of substances in the hands of experts and scientists
rather than in the hands of politicians who know nothing "They do not want a discussion on
drugs for a number of reasons. One is they'd lose the argument. The second is
that senior Tories have got rather spectacularly interesting drug histories."
He also added that “Studying the side-effects of recreational drugs (instead of
banning them) on mental well being could help to unblock the logjam preventing
much-needed psychiatric medicines from being developed”
Marijuana use by teenagers does not result in a lower IQ or worse exam results, study finds
Liebling (pictured) believes his mental health issues have been effectively
managed using cannabis
Former IT Manager Jon Liebling, 47, from Berkshire knows first hand the amazing benefits of
cannabis for the management of symptoms of anxiety and depression compared with
the terrifying experience of being put onto anti-depressant drugs by his
doctor. “When I was arrested which forced me to stop taking cannabis
and was prescribed various medications such as Fluoxetine (Prozac) the feelings
of anxiety and depression returned and I started to have suicidal thoughts
which I had never experienced before. Yes the Prozac made me happy, but it made
me happy with suicidal thoughts! This scared me nearly literally to death and I
felt I had no choice but to stop using these dangerous prescription medications
and go back to taking cannabis, which I had taken since my early 20s. Unfortunately
this means that I am breaking the law again, but what am I supposed to do. My
health is more of a priority than a law that prevents me from taking a medicine
derived from a natural plant that actually works and has no unwanted
side-effects. I am sure my wife and daughter would agree. I am now fine and
happy that I have stopped using prescription medications. Cannabis is one of the main reasons that I am still alive.
Read more detail about Me, Cannabis and the Law
United Patients Alliance
Read more detail about Me, Cannabis and the Law
United Patients Alliance
Does Cannabis Affect Mental Illness:
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