United Patients Alliance Press Release - No Embargo
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Norman Baker UPA Workshop - March 2017 |
Former UK Gov Drugs Minister announced as Patron of Medical Cannabis Org.
Since being launched in 2014 with the help of Caroline Lucas
MP, United Patients Alliance have always been a charitable organisation and
have worked hard to make allies and supporters within political spheres. Now on
our journey to becoming a registered charity we are proud and honoured to
announce former UK Government Drugs Minister and LibDem MP for Lewes, Norman
Baker as our first Patron:

“I have gladly accepted the offer to become patron of the UPA. They are a well organised and sensible group. I am very clear from my time as drugs minister in the coalition government that for some people, access to cannabis is essential for their health and it is disgraceful that not only are they denied access to vital medicine but prosecuted if they access it themselves. The UPA makes a strong case for a more humane approach and I am delighted to do what I can to support them."
LibDem Parliamentary Candidate for Lewes, Kelly-Marie Blundell is very supportive:
a long time campaigner for access to cannabis for medicinal purposes, I'm
pleased to see the United Patients Alliance go from strength to strength, and I
hope with Norman Baker on board as well, we can see more action."
Patients Alliance is delighted to welcome Norman as our first Patron. After our
meetings with Norman at his constituency office he took Keiron Reeves and I to
the home office to talk about how medical cannabis helps us. Having a former
drugs Minister as a part of of the UPA is going to strengthen our organisation
which in turn will help us to play a bigger part in the inevitable changes to
future cannabis laws.”
Jon Liebling, Political Director:
look forward to continuing our work with the support of such an influential
political figure such as Norman on board and look forward to making more
exiting announcements and collaborations over the coming months.”
Editors notes:
Contact Details:
Clark French - 07773690488 - as.the.sun.sets@hotmail.co.uk
Jon Liebling – 07921589237 – jon@liebling.co.uk
Introducing United Patients Alliance
The United Patients Alliance are a rapidly growing support and campaigning community for medical cannabis patients who suffer from a range of conditions including; Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s, Anxiety, Depression, AIDS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ME, PTSD, Epilepsy, Chronic and Neuropathic Pain all of whom have found that various types and strengths of cannabis consumed in a variety of ways has proven to be a more effective medicine than their legal and prescribed alternatives in improving their lives, reducing side effects and treating their symptoms. These patients are forced to either live in unnecessary discomfort and pain or risk dealing with criminals for their medicine and a criminal record for growing it or consuming it.
We launched in June 2014 with the support of Caroline Lucas MP and Professor David Nutt and have since gained the direct support of a number of other politicians, including former drugs minister, Norman Baker. We run Patient Perspective and Cannabis College events around the UK to give patients a forum for telling their stories and to help inform the public of the proven medical benefits whilst dispelling the myths and half-truths about its harms. We estimate that there are about 1m active and current medical cannabis consumers who would immediately benefit from a change in this dreadful situation. In terms of genuine information on medical cannabis and how best to consume it, we are the UK’s experts on cannabis as a medicine.