Saturday, 16 September 2017

UPA and Labour - Making yourself heard!

When United Patients Alliance formed in July 2014, we did so with the support of Caroline Lucas MP and the Green Party. By the time the year was done we were engaging with the LibDems through events and patients meeting the Deputy PM Nick Clegg along with Former Drugs Minister, Norman Baker announcing his patronage. Support from them is locked in and we have a few more announcements to make there too shortly.

Now in our 3rd year - seems the Labour Party are finally starting to bite!
This has not happened by accident, you know! United Patients Alliance have been being a thorn in their sides for ages -  Really - we don't give up! How can we - our illnesses don't!

On March 14th 2015 on BBC's Free Speech, Faye Jones wearing UPA Purple asked a great question to the wannabe leader Ed Milliband - I mean GREAT question, with follow up - and you gotta wait until the end....... 

Only 6 months past to the Labour Leadership Election Debate. Up UPA pop again with another question, this time to all the potential leaders, and we have to say,. great answer, Jeremy - but isn't it about time you followed through on that?

And now we have Paul Flynn MP calling for Civil Disobedience in Parliament:

We have, of course, answered Paul's call to arms and have arranged a very civil bit of disobedience and Paul will be joining many patients for a bit of a (medicated) T-Party:
Also - Paul is now helping to work on the rest of the Labour Party: 
It’s time for Labour to back patients when it comes to medical marijuana

On September 30th at United Patients Alliance Medical Cannabis Conference and AGM - the next steps in our plans for Labour will become very much clearer! Yes - That's Paul Flynn MP - and Tonia Antoniazzi MP too.....

And then we are coming for you, Jezza!

After that, there is only one major party left to get on board!?

Jon Liebling – Political Director of United Patients Alliance

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