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Patients meet with Lynne Featherstone - Feb 2015 |
How ironic is this picture from a few years ago now. The very first time that I met with CLEAR - Cannabis Law Reform and Peter Reynolds. I learned after this single experience that he was not someone with whom I was going to get along......or trust. It should be noted that in 2017, the entire CLEAR Board resigned and left!
Unfortunately I couldn't post about this directly on Facebook as I had been banned for 3 days for bullying him! So I wrote it in blog form......and he can't stop me tweeting it! :)
Recent Litigation History

Alas, no. Peter seems to want to focus his time, effort and resources into attacking more cannabis patients and other reform groups again, instead of actually doing anything constructive about changing the law:
You can read all about these from:
1:Sarah McCulloch
2: The Dorset Eye
3: Petey Pays Chris Bovey (Which include more legal threats to a UPA patient/admin)
Are these "vexatious lawsuits" from Peter, actually what the CLEAR subscription is paying for?
Peter Reports UPA to Facebook - For nothing!
Over the last couple of weeks, Peter Reynolds has been reporting members
of United Patients Alliance but particularly myself to Facebook for various things.
Shortly after updating our CBD Product information and recommended suppliers pages (Check them out!),
Facebook acted on a complaint (pending investigation) about "Copyright
Infringement" for a photo apparently belonging to CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform and reported by Peter Reynolds.
Unfortunately, Facebook's policy appears to be to remove anything that someone complains about first and ask questions later!
This fabricated complaint is being actively investigated by Facebook on our request....watch this space....
Peter Turns to Twitter
As he had me blocked on Facebook, I did ask Peter,via Twitter, to which photo the complaint was referring, as all photos and logos were approved by the companies on the page? But if there was something we hadn't noticed, then a simple request would suffice. Of course, there is nothing. It's a complete fabrication.
Neither his first, nor second response was helpful:
A Happy New Year - From CLEAR!
So - Whilst minding our own business as usual, it seems he had infiltrated and was spying and taking screenshots (see - documentary evidence, in the email) in our private patient forum (does he have no scruples at all? - Spying on a PRIVATE PATIENT forum!) where something else he had said to another patient was under discussion, I and our Founder, Clark French received this threat in an email from Peter, who is described by Cannabis Trades Association Chair, Mike Harlington as "nothing but an adviser". Mike was cc'd. I have not heard whether he supports Peter's threats or not as yet.
You can read an alternative point of view on CTAUK and Peter's "involvement" here: Cannabis Trade Association Scam!

The post was reported a few moments later for "Bullying" by Peter and I have been banned from posting or using messenger for 3 days.
Response Received from Mike Harlington of Cannabis Trades Association
As Mike had been copied into Peter's communication even though he apparently has nothing to do with the organisation and only acts as an advisor, and given Peter had now changed his story from the "Copyright" issue being about CLEAR and now it was about CTAUK - I was keen to get some clafirication of their positions in all of this:
As you can see - He chose to ignore that and attempt to discredit individuals (myself) and patients that they had attacked - note how Tom from Canabidol is now copied in too...They seem really keen to keep bringing UPAs appointed trustee Professor Mike Barnes up too - Haven't mentioned him once! Weird!
UPDATED 4th Jan - Peter Claims Stock Photo and Boris's Bus as his own - sort of?
So first off, apparently this is the photo that is "owned" by CLEAR or CTAUK (he can't seem to make up his mind) - But since it is a free stock photo that has been used by CBD companies and articles for years - seems a bit rich to suddenly claim it as your own and try to sue others for using it - Peter - That's NOT how the internet works......
But not only that - he goes on to make a claim that Boris's bus, was indeed HIS idea too - Sorry Peter, but you will have to take that up with Boris - I think you will find they did it before you did! (You're not related to the current President of the US are you?)
And finally he wants to try to blame United Patients Alliance for some comments someone from 'The Community' made on one of HIS blog entries. Please note that 'The Community' is not a UPA account or forum. I do not know who they are. The internet doesn't work like this either!
Besides a number of threats of legal action Peter has made against me personally and Clark, he has also threatened other UPA Patients and Directors.
Some might think that this is some sort of entertaining game but the patients that he abuses and threatens would not agree and whilst I have done my level best to ignore it, now that UPA and our patients are being actively targeted - enough is enough.

Peter, and the organisations that he is involved with, must be shown up for what they really are. They do NOT care about patients or consumers or even their own members, they do not care about cannabis or the future of the industry, they do not care about the truth and they do not care about YOU!
Patients and consumers alike need to be informed and protected and we have legal access to cannabis therapeutics for patients in the UK to advance.
Not only are they bringing disrepute into the whole future of cannabis, they are also getting in the way of effective change!